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Why is this not for Android anymore

(1 edit)

Can you help me? I can't get passed the mission master of neko. I can start the mission but there is defeat every attempt. Like it's bugged since i have to press fight button twice and then those dwarfs don't attack me anyway.. (playing 1.5.14)

We encountered this bug and have already fixed it!

Soon, together with the android version we will update.

Please wait a few days. 

I'm very sorry that your game has stopped, soon it will continue!

the game let me do umbra's secrets prior to master of neko, now the game is bugged and cannot advance because Neko does not recognize that I have completed the required quest.

I'm so sorry you had to go through that. We've updated the build, maybe we can change your mind.


2025-03-19 Do NOT PAY FOR THIS, This game is full of bugs that freeze the game. Don't let the graphics fool you this game is horrible, the story does not flow, animations are mechanical and boring.

I literally cannot get past the Red square on the intro fight, whats up with tha


If you played version 1.4, we are aware of this issue and will update the build within a few days! We apologize for the trouble((((


paid for it, can't get the new version


There still been no method of old buyers getting the latest updates despite the promise to make it so.


We've had to raise the price tag, please understand us. 🙏🏻

This will allow us to make the game even better.

I think I sent you version 1.5 in pm, unfortunately I can't lower the price, but I promise not to raise it anytime soon! 🤞🏻

Soon the updated version 1.5 will be available on itch for free as version 2.0 is released. 🙌🏻

I also want to thank you for supporting the project at our launch, I will think about a solution to this problem. By the next major update maybe I will have a solution. 🤜🏻🤛🏻


So your ripping off your original buyers who got you this far, despite saying you would make right. Its no use asking for understanding when your totally unreliable and unsafe to buy anything from.


I'm so sorry

Itch really needs to implement a system where people can pay to upgrade

like how on humble you can upgrade your bundle tier after the fact, it’d help avoid messes like this


Im stuck on the cat girl it keeps saying i need to umbra secrets when i've already done that im on pc windows




We're already dealing with this problem! 

We will update the old versions on itch soon!


Great game loved it! Just curious if in future updates there will be even more of a variety of girls, would love to see some muscular ones aswell!



We would love to add more girls, but it's all down to money(. 

We have a planned budget until the game is finished, if we can raise enough funds on Patreon and itch, we will add more girls for dates!

We have 2 more girls planned including the main villain Noxy!

The clara crystal scene is bugged. It is impossible to get through after she sends to to the tunnels. The game is just stuck with just the background visible

You need to collect crystals in the background of the mine!

I have done that. However after reloading the game once the fight is over, the crystals are no longer there, but the game tells you to do the mission all over again, so you can't progress.

(1 edit)

The game is bug on Android 😭i wanna bang the girl😭😭

-Chat problem when click "talk" nothing happen but have the sound,even tho the bar reduce but when i click it nothing happen

-dialogue always disappear 

-dialogue always repeating

-The ui sometimes buggy

-sometimes need to spam click the button 

(The most problem is the 1st and 2nd on list)

I guess i will wait for the repair 🥹🥹

I put the android version away for a while so I don't catch a lot of negative feedback. All these bugs will be fixed by the next update. 

Thank you for your fitback! It is very useful!

-Also the choice text sometimes disappear

-And chat stuck at cat girl

-when swipe down the chat disappear and swipe down again it appears but the chat stuck 

Hopefully my feedback helps you🤗

Cant wait for it releases again😁😁😁

This will help 100%.

We have taken on a game that is difficult from a development point of view, now to bring all the mechanics into the intended form will not be easy, but we are ready for it.

Friends!!! Please, who has encountered the problem on android, please very please give a fitback what exactly you have not working. I really want to solve the problem, but everything works correctly on my phone.I don't know what to do!

The more specific you can describe the problem, the faster I can solve it!

I already list it hehehe,i hope you can fix it,the game look so interesting 🥹

do you plan on doing a Mac version?

Android So many bug

postpone the android version for a while

We'll fix this for the next update! 

Dear creator I still face the same issue as others mentioned I am playing on android so please

I need to do something about the programmer....

Can you please describe the problem again?

(1 edit)

The same problem sometimes the text where scene changes from room to world of umbra doesn't appear and then no text during training fight and it also like freezes at that red part scene in training

Also it wasn't repeating text but it starts repeating text if I try to skip it till scene I played the game


Dear players! We have updated builds and now you can pass the game without hindrance!

We apologize for any inconvenience. Next time we will try not to make such stupid mistakes!

All previous buyers have been locked out by a price increase. Another one to add to that list.  


I apologize for the inconvenience! 

We did not want to deceive anyone, the price increase is a forced measure. Please understand us and don't be too hard on us!

Give us a chance to make amends. 

Stuck on umbra for 2 minutes to attack the 'hit quickly' indicator but umbra seems to be bugged or something, meaning i cannot finish the tutorial..


We're so sorry! We will correct this error soon! Tell me, what version did you play?

I just downloaded 1.4.1 today and have the same bug. thanks dev.

i downloaded the game today(10/02) and had the same problem


Give us a chance to get better, please wait a little while. I will reload a new version very soon!


Stuck on tutorial; can't progress past the red square part. Can't advance dialogue or interact at all.


This error seems to be very common. We are already solving this problem!


I'm stuck, for Umbra 2 last even (the dialogue and the scene) i need to to the Master of Neko quest, the first dialogue with her, but for her i need to do the "Umbra Secret" quest, that i already did, so i cannot advance neither of 'em


Wait a few days, we will upload updates with the fixed bug

(1 edit) (+3)

Cant Progress throuw the Fight Tutorial IT Always stucked at the Red Button Thing ...i Downloaded the newest version

And in the description IT says ver. 1.4.1 but the File hast the Version 1.2


i have the same problem

Give us a couple days to unload the new update


I've found that most of these subscriptions games do not run properly on Android. Most Apk files and RPA files never download or open as stated.  I've had the misfortune of having my laptop stolen and my S24 Ultra is a decent phone and I'm still lost as to why the games I've purchased to support developing projects are not optimized for the formats stated.  


Сначала начал новую игру но пропустил обучение и все пришлось начинать заново но кнопка новая игра и продолжить не работали.

И обучение нельзя пройти, враг не нападает.




That's ok, it makes sense to me!

The file is safe, you can download it and not worry. 

That's probably because we created the installer ourselves. 


I can't progress through the training fight on the android version

I beg your pardon. We probably fixed this problem in the new free version. 

Try playing it and come back with a fitback, we're waiting for you!

(1 edit) (+1)

Talk Buged ? if i Click the talk Options there is no seletion (in the Beginn there was 4 Choises)  no is see no Choise and and no Text (1.4.1)

For more detailed detection of this error we need the internal files of the game, the path to them is %userprofile%\AppData\LocalLow\PleasureStudio. We need the Temp and Data files. 

If it's not too much trouble, write to me in PM or in our “Questions and Bugs” channel in Discord:

i try to Join your Discord cannel, but i Fail, wats the Channel name ?


hey I really like the art in this game and I might like it, but I have a problem on android... It says that "this version of the game isn't compatible with your phone" or something, I kinda forgot, it might be just my phone's problem bcz i checked the comments and no one has the similar problem as mine, but I just decided to let you know so maybe someone can help me, I really would love to try this game.


Hi. Thank you for the high preliminary evaluation of our game! 

Please try to play the new free version of the game 1.4.1.


the game is quite buggy on Android but works just fine on PC. 

I do feel like the UI needs a bit more for Android. and a walkthrough for beginners is early game is quite confusing.


Sorry and totally agreed. Unfortunatly we have some bugs on android, but we working hard to optimize and fix it all

no need to apologize I know that game development is really hard. especially when you have to games like yours that's require so much art.

and the art style is amazing, keep up the great work!


If I were asked what game you could use to brighten up your lonely evening, or maybe more than one evening, I would name this particular game because it's amazing. Yes, there are still some bug issues, but I think it will be fixed very quickly. Otherwise, I am very satisfied.


Thank u so much! We'll trying hard ;)


how to skip combat?

At the moment, skipping the battle is not possible, but we will take your feedback into account and optimize the combat system in future versions.


is there not a way to rewatch scenes you've already acquired?


This feature is not available yet, but we are considering how to implement it.


I also can't start "the Master of Neko" mission. I already have Neko, Clara and Umbra on max trust but I can't do "The master of Neko". I also did Umbra's Secrets aswell, but can't trigger the event. Game Restart and PC restart doesn't help. What can I do?

(1 edit)

hm... that's kinda wierd. Guess it's a strange bug. Can u plz make a screenshot and send it to DM in discord or in channel #questions-and-bugs?


Yes will do right now


😍 Played and loved! Very promising!!!

(1 edit) (+2)

Thank u for your comment, we’re greatly appreciate it 💞


Is this game storyline completed?

Hi! Our storyline isn’t finished yet. The plot, along with other game mechanics, is still in development. However, the game already has a lot of story content, and the plot is consistent and logically structured 🙂‍↕️


Why does it look like everyone is yelling? Haha, i'll try this game later. It looks interesting

hahah, the capslock is more emotional. Hope you’ll enjoy our game, we’ll wait for your feedback after you dive in 💌


looks good definitely will try it


Thanks! Hope you enjoy it! 😊


how long we should wait for a new update?

the game is just majestic as it is


Thx mate!

We usually release a new build of our game once a month, on the 5th or 6th.

nice! cant wait for the next release


How do I start "the Master of Neko" mission? I already did the "Umbra's Secrets" quest but it didn't unlock neko's one yet (I'm on android).

Your objective is to clear the fisherman’s house location on the map and enter it. While by the river, you’ll notice a girl drowning. Tap on the Neko to save it.

The issue might be that the quest isn’t triggering properly. If the character has already found the cat but can’t proceed, it could be due to in-game blocks. Try checking if all the conditions for the next quest stage are met, or restart the game to reset any potential errors.

I have this bug aswell. I already have Neko, Clara and Umbra on max trust but I can't do "The master of Neko". I also did Umbra's Secrets aswell, but can't trigger the event. Game Restart and PC restart doesn't help. What can I do?


in the free version (windows) clicking the new game button just black screens the game. Music still plays but nothing ever comes up.


Try waiting as long as you can, and if nothing happens, try clicking in the screen to force some dialog interations. This problem happens a lot with me (I'm on android) in the first missions. 

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