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I am unable open or play this game at all. Should not have paid anything for it.

Yeah, but not anytime soon



Will this ever come to android?


We are already in the process of optimizing the game for android!

Unfortunately a lot of content in the game weighs too much and at the moment build for android will not be playable.
The android build will be either October 5th or November 5th!


oh boy! I'm excited for when it drops. Thank you.

Subscribe to our social networks! 

In discord you can see general information about the development and the latest news!


Knowledge that a build is underway is enough to sate me presently!

How can I start a new game? Where is the save data located on windows? 

For start a new game, please delete all files from Umbranomicon folder.


1) - Click WIN + R hotkey.

2) - Paste %appdata% command to opened window.

3) - Click Enter button.

4) - Open AppData folder from top navigation menu (see image)

5) - Open LocalLow folder.

6) - Find and open Pleasure Studio folder.

7) - Remove Umbranomicon folder.

8) - Launch game and play new game.

First of all, thank you for the guide. I was able to find the file even with your first reply. I deleted it and I was able to start a new game.

Unfortunately I still can't watch the intro in English, there appears to be no text. It's only possible to experience it in Russian, so the bug still persists. After the first introduction I was able to switch to English, otherwise there would still be no text at all. That's not the only bug I encountered, there are some visual bugs as well. The battle screen will become messier over time, there are some graphical artifacts/pixels appearing. I was not able to talk to Umbra most of the time, even though I fullfilled the requirements. The blacksmith was adressed as Umbra too, At some point there were numerous music tracks overlapping each other. Worst of all, the sex scene with Umbra did not work properly, the animation was stuck on the first stage, the second and third option were looping the first, so there was no penetration. I was playing version 1.0.2 by the way. I really tried to give the game a chance but I guess I have to wait for further updates or until it's completed. I hope my report was helpful.


If you don't change the language to Russian, then back to English, you don't get English text. You need to do this every time you start the game. (Also the apology for poor optimisation is replaced with a Lorem Ipsum text bit if you don't do the double switch.)

Unfortunately I missed the intro because of this. The game has no way to reset data, and the data is not saved in the installed folder. The uninstall doesn't work (doesn't remove existing data), so unless I find the actual save data location, I cannot rewatch content.

The simplest fix would be moving away from an install format. I hope a zip/portable will be the choice in the future, as installs are a very poor choice for small games. 

Good afternoon, thank you very much, your feedback is incredibly valuable to us. We have passed it on to our developers and they said they will try to fix this bug. 

We are aware of this issue and are trying to fix it, but unfortunately this bug is not recurring on any of our testbeds. Could you please help us to fix it? Our developers will send you versions of our attempts to fix the problem, and you will let us know if the problem is solved or not. 

Write to "👾𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬-𝐚𝐧𝐝-𝐛𝐮𝐠𝐬" in our Discord so we can contact you!

Hopefully in the end I can take Clara home and marry her 😭


Я не понимаю что нужно делать во время постельных цен? Я достиг постельной сцены с умброй но не управлять ей не прекратить её запуск не получается.

On September 5, a new version with a redesigned porn player will be released. 

Please wait a little longer!


Neat style, but sadly unplayable on my end. It skips the whole intro for me and the text boxes are empty. I'm getting error messages constantly. Does anybody know a fix? Maybe it has something to do with my system? A re-install did not work. 

Is it normal that this is a setup to install?

Help us fix this soon! Take the survey and give us detailed feedback. You will help us a lot!


I don't know what that is supposed to be. It runs on its own, the only text that appears is an elf saying "sorry" for something, then loaves of bread fly through the air and then it stops with a background image with nothing happening in front of it.

I'm curious to see what this is going to be, but in this state it's unwatchable, unfortunately.


Это просто шикарно. Поставил себе на комп, очень реалистичные сцены 18+, мне нравится))

шикарная игра. Поставил себе на комп, очень реалистичные сцены 18+ )) мне нравится)


Android please

this game is quite promising. keep up the work pal


something is going on, no dialogue appear in my game idk why 


im at the start and like a dialogue box appears but not dialogue in them


same here. it skipped the whole dialogue for me too.


Why does the game need to be in root? No other unity game is like this... 


We've solved that problem! Within a few hours a new version of the game with a solution to this problem will be available!


We've updated the installer! Enjoy the game!

Was there AI art used for this game. 

The most frequent question))))

No, we don't! You can support us on Patreon and see the processes of drawing art from sketch to final render! 


It seems like it's a setup rather than a zip code. 


Game and story looks amazing from what I saw! Will all H-scenes be animated?

The game is very addictive. Interesting plot.  Will there be new characters?

just a quick Q

is there any path that leads to a sex with monster?

especially with the wolf one?


also there's a problem when at first it just skips through everything with no text 

Dear friend! 

Please describe the problem a bit more in detail! 

We will definitely fix it


when I first started the game after lowering the sounds, the game was kind of in skip mode, I thought one of my keyboards was pressed so I started the game again but the same thing happened until a talk choice was there to press

this weird skip wasn't like the normal one when you press "CTRL", but still there was no text, a little problem with some working text just changing to another language

it was kinda funny tbh, & I loved the game so much, especially with how to fight through 

I'm looking forward to any & every new updates


Happens to me too. Hit play and it starts with a "Sorry - Lorem ipsum..." screen then skips absolutely everything.

I invite you to our Discord! Namely to the section "𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬-𝐚𝐧𝐝-𝐛𝐮𝐠𝐬", where your problem will be quickly processed and sent by the community manager to the development department! Link to our discord:

I'll try, but its better if you could just the one I just commented, I don't have Discord, I know it's free it just doesn't work on my pc


wow, this looks beautiful! interesting idea


Incredible game!  I want to play and play!


I like this arts and trailer! Already running to download it~


Wonderful game, i think it will be great saga


Incredible game, let's support the boys!